Radar imagery and discussion for severe thunderstorm just south of A2 (July 10)

In these images, the bright yellow area (southern half of Washtenaw County) is the warned area.

NWS-DTX composite reflectivity; 1:18pm July 10 2013
NWS-DTX composite reflectivity crop 1:18pm July 10 2013

There is a lot (around 73 kg/m^2) of water in the center of this storm; expect heavy rain along the path of the cell:

NWS-DTX vertically integrated liquid 1:22pm July 10 2013
NWS-DTX vertically integrated liquid 1:22pm July 10 2013

This storm is pretty big; echo tops at 50-55 thousand feet:

NWS-DTX echo tops 1:22pm July 10, 2013
NWS-DTX echo tops 1:22pm July 10, 2013

In the center of the storm, expect hail and heavy rain:

NWS-DTX hydrometeor classification 2; 1:27pm July 10 2013
NWS-DTX hydrometeor classification 2; 1:27pm July 10 2013. Red = hail; dark green = heavy rain